- 2020-2024: PhD in Applied Mathematics. Politecnico di Milano / Sorbonne Université / Inria Paris. France / Italie
- 2019-2020: Master in Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Simulation. Sorbonne Université / École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. France.
- Main topics: Theoretical and numerical study of partial differential equations; Numerical discretization and error analysis; Modelling and simulation in life sciences.
- 2016-2020: Engineering school - Computer Engineering and Mathematics. École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. France.
- Main topics: Theoretical and numerical study of partial differential equations; Optimization; Statistics; Machine Learning; Advanced computer science.
Work experience
2024-now: Post-doctorate on homogenization and Hamilton’s principle for multiphase flows 2020: Intern. Inria Paris / COMMEDIA TEAM. France. 2019: Intern. Universita degli studi di Trento._Italy.
2018: Intern. _CEA. France.
Boulakia M., Grandmont C., Lespagnol F., Zunino P. (2024). " Mathematical and numerical analysis of reduced order interface conditions and augmented finite elements for mixed dimensional problems." Computer & Mathematics with Applications .
Lespagnol F., Grandmont C., Zunino P., Fernández M. A. (2024). " A mixed-dimensional formulation for the simulation of slender structures immersed in an incompressible flow." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering .
Lespagnol F. (2024). "A new computational approach for fluid-structure interaction of slender bodies immersed in three-dimensional flows. " Hal.
Lespagnol F, Dakin G. (2020). " High order accurate schmes for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations on staggered Cartesian grids. " Journal of Computational Physics.
March 06, 2024
Talk at ECCOMAS 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
June 19, 2023
Talk at Youth ECCOMAS 2023, Porto, Portugal
February 01, 2014
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
March 01, 2013
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA